Capcom announced today that they had launched their newest online community portal, The new site has the latest news and information about Capcom and its products as well as hosting forums and blogs. This new site represents the first phase of the Capcom-Unity concept. In the coming months, franchise specific community sites will be launched. You can check out the site [url=]here[/url].
Currently on Capcom-Unity you will find:
[list][*]Capcom Blogs, including Brian Dunn’s Lost Planet blog and Scarlett’s blog
[*]Capcom related news: new product announcements, special offers, updates and random Capcom links from around the internet
[*]Forums and forum links: hot threads, latest threads and links to all of Capcom’s forums
[*]Links to focused brand product and community sites: Lost Planet, Ace Attorney, Street Fighter, Resident Evil, Mega Man and Devil May Cry[/list]