Our site was having minor issues this morning and they seem to be resolved now so let me get right into it. To even begin to think that a game could live up to 4+ years of hype and discussion would be ludicrous, but in all honesty I am very happy with Fable. I mentioned my concerns that I had been swept up into the hurricane of hype despite my best efforts to repel the situation. I am glad to report that this was not the situation and that Fable is in fact living up to my expectations.
I know that more often than not gamers are let down because of the expectations they have set for a game. I also know that there for every person out there that has a copy of Fable there are probably a handfull that either couldn’t afford it or were very cautious about pre-ordering. If either of those people is you then stay tuned because I have a fresh unopened copy of Fable that was purchased by our very own Wraith. We are going to be giving this away on the site in the next couple days. I am not sure what you will have to do to win it, but I will let you know just as soon as I figure it out. Pardon me, I have some work to do so this day goes by very fast so I can get home and play some more Fable.