Many of you were lucky enough to secure a copy of Super Mario Galaxy yesterday, on the game’s official ship date. Others were met with frustration as many stores stuck to the firm “release date” as today instead of truly understanding the concept of ship date and release date.
Regardless, if you own a Wii and aren’t trying to find a copy of this game today then you should be. The reviews so far have been stellar and SMG shows a very high level of polish. The game itself is just amazing and I can’t wait to play all the way through it.
With that said, my initial reaction to the spherical worlds that were introduced in one of the latter Ratchet and Clank games didn’t tickle my fancy. I warmed up to the concept and Nintendo’s execution of it after playing a little more. I think Super Mario Galaxy is going to be one of those titles in the conversation for Game of The Year when it comes time. You should definitely be playing this.