Halo 2 Contest Update

November 3, 2004

We have had an outstanding turnout for the Halo 2 contest, but I want to point something out real quick. When the rules say that there is a limit of 1 entry per person, I mean it. We have one individual that has decided to enter themselves 18 times and I think that is kind of crappy. While people that submit a 2nd entry will still remain in the drawing, this person exhibited a blatant disregard for the rules and is now ineligible for this contest and possible any future contest we hold just because he pissed me off so much.

If you happen to know who you are and have a valid explanation for why you entered 18 times then you know how to email me and if you can convince me that it was in fact an accident and you aren’t a greedy punk then maybe I will have compassion on you and leave a single entry in the drawing for you.