Layout Tweaks pt. 3

November 18, 2005

I was doing some “soul searching” this week related to the site and it’s current traffic and decided I was really unhappy with the size of the audience we are reaching. I feel that we have the potential to be much larger than we currently are. Needless to say I got a fire lit under my butt to do something about it as is evident with my layout changes all week. Today I made a pretty major change that I am really happy with. Our front page news now features the same great “paging” feature that I setup for our reviews page. This should make it much easier to see news from the last couple of days if you can’t make it to the site everyday (shame on you).

If anyone has any type of feedback about our layout or anything related to the ease of use on the site I want to hear about it. I don’t care how critical it sounds. The bottom line is that this site is not online to toot my own horn and if it isn’t as easy to navigate as it should be I want to know about it.

Edit: Fixed to make it not sound like I didn’t appreciate our audience.