Nielsen: Game Consoles In 41% Of US Households

March 5, 2007

According to [url=]a new Nielsen report[/url], 41.1 percent of all U.S. households with televisions also contain at least one video game console. This figure, which represents 45.7 million U.S. homes, has jumped over recent years, with 43 million being reported in 2005 and 38.6 million the year prior.

To put this into perspective, over this same period of time, the total number of U.S households with televisions has increased just 1.6 percent. In addition, during the fourth quarter, the top 20 percent of people playing video game cones in the U.S. averaged about 5 hours and 45 minutes of play daily, and that these users accounted for 74.4 percent of all console usage during the period.

Other interesting findings include an increased acceptance for online gaming, with more than 4.4 million households reporting consoles going online in 2006, a figure that does not even include the PlayStation 3 and Wii. In addition, the report also added that at any given minute of the day, about 1.6 million people in the U.S. are using a game consoles.

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