
Nintendo has finally revealed the launch lineup for the US for the 3DS, and its a big one. At final tally, 16 games will be available for it at launch (18 if you count the built-in games), with at least 12 more coming out before E3 in June. Nintendo will be releasing Pilotwings, Steel Diver and Nintendogs, with the other 13 coming from strong third-party support. The official MSRP for 3DS games will be $39.99.

We’ll be updating our launch center soon. The list of launch titles, with links to our available previews, is after the break. READ MORE

A TopWare marketing executive confirmed today that a third Two Worlds game is in development already when responding to concerns about the quality of the recently released Two Worlds II. READ MORE

Telltale Games hosted a press event last night where they revealed a host of information that nearly any gamer will want to know. A few new game series were revealed, along with the first real details on the Jurassic Park series that Telltale is creating. READ MORE

This week we posted a pair of reviews (Wii and Xbox 360) for the new release of You Don’t Know Jack. Since we gave both versions a 5/5 rating, it’s safe to say this is a solid title and you definitely want to enter this contest.

Up for grabs this time: a copy of You Don’t Know Jack (Wii).

The rules are simple:

  • You must live in the US or Canada (Sorry, but overseas shipping is a killer.)
  • Make a comment on this post for one entry
  • Retweet the link back to this post for another entry
  • Contest ends at noon Eastern on February 23.

I’ll draw a random winner from all the entries on the 23rd and post it here. Good luck!

It’s nice to see iPhone games designed for the system. I don’t mean ones ported or made available, though that’s not ever a bad thing; no, the rare and refreshing thing is when a game is created, ground up, with the interface and limitations of the system in mind. MindTrip Studios’ Ring Blade is one of these games.

Fundamentally, Ring Blade is a standard vertical shooter, with players moving a paddle at the bottom and shooting out blades at enemies moving Galaga-style on the screen. The controls are what make it work: you slide back and forth across the bottom of the screen to avoid obstacles, and flick your fingers forward in a direction to shoot a blade that way. The blades bounce around the screen like an air hockey puck, taking out enemies in its path. You can rapid-fire the shots, or you can wait until you charge up a super-powerful shot that usually takes out enemies in one blow. READ MORE