
In an event overnight in Tokyo, Sony revealed the PSP’s successor, as well as an Android gaming service.

The device, codenamed “NGP,” features dual analog sticks, a larger, high-res touch screen and a rear touch pad, motion sensors, 3G capability, two cameras and full backwards compatibility with PSP games (downloadable-only, it uses a new storage format). 

The NGP is slated for a holiday release. More details (and photos of the NGP) are after the break. READ MORE

Usually at a system’s launch, the goal is to put together a solid core experience and leave the frills for later. With Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition, Capcom didn’t want to wait.










The 3DS is getting a bit more attention from fighting titles than it has before. (In that it’s getting any at all.) Dead or Alive: Dimensions is clearly battling Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition for gamers’ cash at launch, and that’s a tough battle.





The Madden series has made a serious push to make things simpler and more streamlined in recent years. Which is fine, we guess, but we like Franchise Mode.





Ah, soccer. We Americans are bad at it. We try, though, and enough people may be interested in a launch soccer title for the 3DS. After playing it, we know those people will be happy.