Disney Epic Mickey is one of the most anticipated titles of the year and we recently had a chance to join a conference call with the driving force behind this upcoming title, Warren Spector. Hit the jump to listen to an awesome Q&A that has me as excited as ever. READ MORE
Tt Games revealed the next game in their Lego series today when they announced a partnership with Disney Interactive to release Lego Pirates of the Caribbean in May of 2011. Set to come out simultaneously with the next film in the blockbuster series, it will feature levels and characters from all four movies. READ MORE
Yesterday news surfaced that Activision was looking to close Bizarre Creations, developers of such games as Blur, Project Gotham Racing, Geometry Wars, and the just released 007: Bloodstone. Activision announced that they planned on either closing or selling Bizarre Creations in the next 90 days due to lack of sales from Blur. READ MORE
THQ revealed on the website for de Blob 2 that it now has a release date of February 22, 2011. THQ also revealed today that, though it is coming out for the Wii, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360, de Blob 2 will only have motion controls on the Wii and PlayStation 3. Move support will be included, while Kinect support will not be. The announcement trailer is posted after the break. READ MORE
Following rumors that the PlayStation 3 version of Mass Effect 2 might include PlayStation-exclusive content, EA stifled any complaints by detailing what exactly would be coming to the PlayStation 3 with Mass Effect 2, namely, everything that is available on the Xbox 360 and PC, but nothing new. READ MORE