Borderlands is, hands down, one of my favorite games of all time. The original game was very solid, but Gearbox followed it up with 4 very solid DLC releases. To celebrate, they released a Game of the Year edition that included a voucher for all 4 DLC packs, a foldout map of Pandora, and a voucher code for Duke Nukem Forever First Access.
Since we like to give things away around here, I’ve got a copy of this awesome version of Borderlands for PS3 up for grabs.
The rules are simple:
- Must be 18 or older to enter. By submitting an entry, you confirm that you are in fact 18 or older.
- Must reside in the US or Canada.
Just leave a comment letting me know why you deserve this. For a second entry, RT our status promoting this contest. I’ll compile all the entries next Monday, November 1, and randomly select a winner.
Ready, GO!
Fans of Call of Duty: Black Ops were told today that they’ll have to use Steam to play it, whether they like it or not, as Black Ops will use Valve’s Steamworks in order to provide achievements and automatic updates. It will also utilize Steam Cloud for storing profile and configuration settings for users.
Believe it or not, Mario is now 25 years old. To celebrate, Nintendo is releasing Super Mario themed red Wii and DSi XL bundles on November 7. The Wii bundle includes New Super Mario Bros. Wii, Wii Sports, and the new Wii Remote Plus for $200. The DSi XL bundle comes with Mario Kart DS and two Brain Age Express games for $180. READ MORE
Fans of both Phoenix Wright and Professor Layton have reason to cheer today, as a collaboration between Capcom and Level-5 was announced today that will bring them together in a game that is scheduled to be released on the 3DS. READ MORE
It’s been a long time coming, but Microsoft has finally unveiled the launch lineup for the Kinect. Microsoft is calling 17 games launch titles, though only 12 of them will actually be available on November 4th. Of the rest, two will be available on the 16th and 2 on the 18th with the last one releasing at some point before the end of November. A full list of the titles is listed after the break. READ MORE