
The upcoming Lucha Libre AAA: Heroes del Ring does a lot of things we haven’t seen in the gaming industry with a sport we haven’t really gotten to play. We got Sabarasa, the developer of the game’s Wii version, to answer some of our questions about the title.

SBG: The game offers the chance to participate in “mask vs. hair” matches online against other players. Will the consequences of losing the match be reflected in the character models? Will this match type be available offline for local multiplayer and/or the campaign mode?

The Hair vs. Mask wager is one of the big highlights in the game. But to make things clear, what makes Lucha Libre AAA: Heroes del Ring’s Hair vs. Mask wager so interesting is that the stakes are very high. Following the sport’s rich tradition, players will wager their created mask or hair online against an opponent. Winner takes all. Loser will have his mask ripped from his head or his head shaved. If that happens to you, you must win three ranked matches in a row in order to receive the ability to create a new mask. You can create the exact same match or an entirely new one, but you can never get your original back from the person who beat you.   To lose your mask, in the game and in real life, is like losing your pride. A real luchador who has his mask ripped off loses his career. He must wait seven years before he can compete again at that character. Usually it signals the end of a career. The mode is a multiplayer online mode and can be found in the story mode as well.

SBG: What other kind of modes/match types are available both online and offline? What’s the upper limit for how many wrestlers can be in or around the ring at the same time?

There are ranked and unranked matches, with up to 4 luchadores online. You can customize the rules and create the match the way you want. The most in a ring at any one time is four luchadores which we call Fatal Four Way. That is one of three multiplayer modes offered. The other two are Hair vs. Mask and Triple Theat. We also offer quick matches and story mode. Actually, I will side bar from here to talk a little about the story mode. READ MORE

More than two years after its initial release, Grand Theft Auto IV is being re-released on October 26th, 2010. Called Grand Theft Auto IV: Complete, it packages the original game with both of its expansions-The Lost and the Damned and The Ballad of Gay Tony. READ MORE

When OnLive was first announced, it was announced as a pay-to-play service that would also allow you to pay for games that you could stream to your PC or TV. Video and audio fidelity would be entirely based upon your internet connection, rather than the quality of your computer.

Apparently, the prospect of having to pay a monthly subscription fee of $14.95 in addition to buying games, and then losing said games if you cancelled your service, has hurt OnLive, as they announced today that they will be forgoing the paid subscription service. READ MORE

From Monday, October 4, until Thursday, October 7, those PC gamers anxious to check out the multiplayer component of the upcoming Medal of Honor game will get a chance to do so via an open multiplayer beta. READ MORE

Fans of the original Beyond Good and Evil can take heart- Ubisoft hasn’t forgotten about you. They announced today that they are releasing Beyond Good and Evil on both PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Arcade in 2011. Not only that, but they will be improving the graphics to a crisp 1080p. READ MORE