
Those hoping to play LittleBigPlanet 2 over the holidays will be disappointed. Media Molecule announced on the game’s official site that development concerns would push the release into early 2011.

Really early 2011. READ MORE

Two years after Worms: A Space Oddity brought the warring annelids to the Wii, Team 17 will be bringing them back for more this November. Titled Worms: Battle Islands, the worms will be fighting in good ol’ 2D. READ MORE

Activision finally revealed the entire on-disc tracklist for DJ Hero 2, and it provides quite an eclectic mixture of songs and mixes. For those fans of the original game, DJ Hero 2 looks to provide even more great music than before. A full listing of the songs is detailed after the break. READ MORE

Cammie Dunaway announced her resignation from Nintendo, effective October 1. She will reportedly be leaving the game industry altogether.

Dunaway, who has been in charge of the company’s marketing, is possibly most well-known for her appearances at the company’s E3 briefings. She has become a polarizing figure in the community, because while her tenure was a very successful one for the company, some blame her for the company’s casual shift.

Starting this week, you may see some changes around here. Hopefully you’ll be pleasantly surprised! We’re adding new writers and features, expanding our coverage of the unplugged scene and the iPhone and iPad game world, and bringing you more reviews during the busy fall season.

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