
TGS Day 2 Roundup

September 16, 2010

A lot of news was announced today at the Tokyo Game Show, and we’ll give you a rundown of the biggest news after the break. READ MORE

This morning at 10:30 Microsoft held their annual TGS press conference here in Tokyo. Japanese developers showed off several new Kinect games as well as new footage from upcoming games previously debuted at this year’s E3. We’ve got the scoop on what went down. READ MORE

At a pre-TGS event, Capcom showed off a reboot of its popular Devil May Cry series, titled DmC. The game is being developed by American development team Ninja Theory (of Heavenly Sword fame). The game appears to star a young Dante and will release on both PS3 and 360.

Capcom also unveiled Asura’s Wrath, developed in collaboration with CyberConnect2 (developers of the .hack// series). The game is a third person action title for PS3 and Xbox 360. Not much is known at this point, but it appears to feature some god-sized characters and lots of fighting.

Also revealed at the event was Dead Rising 2: Case West, a DLC pack that brings the original’s protagonist back for an encore. 

At EA’s Tokyo Game Show press event, the company revealed Shadows of the Damned, the new horror game from famed developer Goichi Suda. The game, with an expected 2011 release, features music from Silent Hill composer Akira Yamaoka and a punk rock aesthetic.

EA also showed off Alice: Madness Returns from American McGee’s Spicy Horse studio, as well as Dead Space Extraction on PS3 and Bright Light’s multiplatform title, Create.


The Tokyo Game Show is here, and we’re keeping you updated! Japan Correspondent Eric Schabel is following the news out of the show, and the rest of us are keeping up Stateside. 

Also coming up: Our impressions of the PlayStation Move’s launch titles, as well as reviews of games both high-profile and under-the-radar.