Media Molecule’s released a trailer for LittleBigPlanet 2, to be released this Winter. The focus seems to be on expanding creation tools, allowing for intelligent objects, levels strung together into whole games and more. Yeah, we’re excited.
The trailer’s embedded after the break. READ MORE
Are you following @SnackbarGames on Twitter? Well you should be! You see, occasionally we like to run contests over there, with the winner getting free stuff. (Everyone likes free stuff. Don’t deny it.) Anyway, right now we’re running one where you can win Sakura Wars! You really should check it out.
So it’s the time of year where sneaky outlets like to pull one over on their readers. While we respect you guys and would never do that, we wanted to know: what’s your favorite April Fools’ prank ever? Have you ever been fooled? What of today’s hoaxes did you find interesting?
Snackbar Games contributor Joe Teed attended this year’s PAX East in Boston and is sharing his experiences at the event.
There’s probably not much I can add about Shank that you haven’t already seen in a video somewhere, but if you haven’t seen it, it’s a very solid side scrolling brawler with some nice comic-book inspired graphics. It was nice to finally get my hands on it and see how it plays.
Snackbar Games contributor Joe Teed attended this year’s PAX East in Boston and is sharing his experiences at the event.
Battle Block Theater looks pretty much like what you’d expect from any Newgrounds game, but the gameplay is a little more creative than The Behemoth’s previous two outings. BBT takes a page from Smash Bros. and similar games, and adds its own unique twists on traditional arena platformer combat.