
Snackbar Games contributor Joe Teed attended this year’s PAX East in Boston and is sharing his experiences at the event.

Monday Night Combat is something pretty amazing to be under everyone’s radar until their big reveal at PAX.  Although it looks like a Team Fortress 2 clone at first, closer inspection reveals robot armies that the players have as allies much like DoTA or Demigod, as well as a tower-defense setup.


PAX East 2010

March 29, 2010

Snackbar Games contributor Joe Teed attended this year’s PAX East in Boston and is sharing his experiences at the event.

The event was a little packed, with 1 1/2 hour waits for panels and some organization issues, so mostly I will be reporting on things I saw on the show floor.


DSi XL Hands On Video

March 26, 2010

Nintendo was gracious enough to send over a DSi XL this week and I went ahead and did a quick hands on video so you could see just how big this new system is.

Each new Pokemon game that is released comes with a tiny bit of Pokemania. With the release of HeartGold and SoulSilver, I figured we could celebrate a little bit too! We will do that the way we usually do… by giving away a copy of SoulSilver!

The rules are simple:

  • You have to be 18+ and reside in the US or Canada
  • 1 entry is awarded for posting in the comments and telling me why you should get the game
  • 1 entry is awarded for following us and RTing the link back to this post (Watch for the official tweet coming from @SnackbarGames)
  • I’ll draw a random winner next Tuesday (3/30/2010) and post their name to our official Twitter stream.

That’s all there is to it! Good luck everyone!

Early this morning, a short announcement was posted on the Japanese Nintendo site revealing the 3DS, a new portable system scheduled for release (in Japan) before next April. The system will use 3D technology that doesn’t require glasses to view, and will be backwards-compatible with all DS and DSi titles.

What do you think of this announcement? Does the idea intrigue you?

We’ll hear more about the 3DS at E3. The full release is after the break. READ MORE