
Preview: Blur

March 18, 2010

Snackbar’s Andrew Passafiume and Graham Russell spent time with the beta for Blur, the upcoming arcade racer from Bizarre Creations and Activision, so that they could bring you their impressions. Okay, they might have had some fun with it too.

Andrew Passafiume: Based on the previews I had seen before playing this beta, Blur seemed like a combination between Burnout and Mario Kart. It was taking a more “realistic” approach to the concept of Mario Kart or similar racers, but with the same arcade racing aesthetic as a Burnout or early Need for Speed title. What I did play in the beta, however, exceeded any expectations I had set for the game. READ MORE

During their Game Developers Conference press conference yesterday, Sony finally announced the name of their PlayStation 3 motion controller. Contrary to many reports, it will not be called the Arc or the Wand- it is called the PlayStation Move. READ MORE

So the 2010 Game Developers Conference is this week. In past years, there have been a few interesting announcements made at the show, and though it’s never been anywhere near the level of E3, we can’t help but get excited about what may be shown. But what about you? Are you excited about it? Do you want to go? What do you think will be announced? Let us know!

Nintendo’s 2010 Media Summit, held Wednesday morning in San Francisco, was packed full of dates and info for the next few months.  Want to know about the launch of Super Mario Galaxy 2, Metroid: Other M or the DSi XL? A full, long list is after the break. READ MORE

Win My Copy: Bioshock 2

February 23, 2010

There aren’t many things I enjoy more than giving games away to our readers. This week I’ve got a copy of Bioshock 2 for Xbox 360 that I’m ready to send to one lucky reader. The rules are simple, you have to be 18 and live in the US or Canada. To enter, just make a post in the comments telling me why you deserve the game. I’ll announce the winner on our Twitter feed (@SnackbarGames) Monday morning (March 2nd).

To spice things up, if you Retweet the link to this story, I’ll enter you a second time. Easy enough? Ready, set, go!