
For over four years, gamers have been playing ‘just one more turn’ into the wee hours of the night in Civilization IV. Now they know when the much anticipated sequel will be released. Firaxis Games announced today that Civilization V will be released this fall for the PC.

Not much information was released regarding it but what we do know is listed after the break. READ MORE

I was excited to get my hands on the Command & Conquer 4 beta because I’ve loved playing the series for over a decade. At the same time though, I was worried about how well EA would be able to balance the game between the NOD and GDI sides of the game. READ MORE

Ever since the announcement of Halo: Reach at E3 last year, gamers have been anxiously awaiting notice of when its open beta would begin. Well, the wait is over because today Microsoft announced the start date for the Halo: Reach beta.

On May 3rd, gamers who have a copy of Halo 3: ODST will be able to access the beta through the ODST disc, similar to how Crackdown owners were able to access the Halo 3 beta through the Crackdown disc.  READ MORE

Microsoft announced today that they would cease all support for Xbox games, be they disc-based or purchased via the Xbox Originals service, as of April 15, 2010. The reason for this cessation is that Microsoft has changes planned for the Xbox Live service that they would be unable to implement if they continued supporting Xbox games.

For gamers, this means any online gaming you plan on doing on Halo 2 or any other online-enabled game will need to be done soon. All offline modes will continue to work on the Xbox 360, including offline multiplayer and single player modes.


Sonic goes episodic

February 4, 2010

Sega has finally revealed the game formerly known as Project Needlemouse to be Sonic the Hedgehog 4- a sequel to the Sega Genesis era Sonic titles. To the relief of many oft-ignored Sonic fans, it will be a 2-D platformer in the vein of the Genesis titles, with the story taking place after Sonic & Knuckles.

Additionally, Sega will add timed leaderboards to the game, allowing friends to compare their times and race each other in the game. It will also incorporate motion controls for the PS3 and Wii, though how it will do so has not been revealed yet

The game will be episodic, which means Sega has planned multiple entries in this ‘new’ style to be released in the next year or so. The first will be released this summer as a downloadable title via XBLA, PSN, and WiiWare.

Teaser trailer after the break.