One of Snackbar Games’ traditions every year is to have each staffer pick their top ten games of the year. We’re so all over the map in our tastes that our lists are never similar. Today, Andrew Passafiume has a lot of games about punching, shooting and killing things. Then he has The Beatles.
10) MadWorld
MadWorld is a game I had been anticipating for quite some time, and it delivered on its promise of over the top action and extremely fun gameplay. It has a surprisingly strong story, and very nice variety of bosses and challenges. Although the game may seem easy at first, the challenge picks up quickly. This is a game I believe every Wii owner must have in their collection.
9) Left 4 Dead 2
The original Left 4 Dead is an amazing game in the fact that it is probably one of the shortest games around, but it is also one of the most replayable. The sequel brings us a brand new setting, new characters, and plenty of other new toys to dispatch zombies with. It simply is bigger and better than the original in just about every way. READ MORE
The third and final DLC album for The Beatles: Rock Band was released this week, one that is considered one of The Beatles’ best albums by many. Rubber Soul contains the rest of the eleven tracks not already on the disc, and although I’ve said this before, it may be the best DLC for the game yet. READ MORE
One of Snackbar Games’ traditions every year is to have each staffer pick their top ten games of the year. We’re so all over the map in our tastes that our lists are never similar. Today, Graham Russell makes a lot of offbeat picks, because that’s pretty much what he does.
10. Retro Game Challenge (DS)
I want so badly for Japanese show Game Center CX to be subtitled and have an American release. If more of you guys had bought this game, which is based on it, my dreams would be closer to happening. You’re all dream-crushers. That seems so incredibly mean.
9. Torchlight (PC)
It’s like Diablo. In that it’s really close to being Diablo. Torchlight has a brilliant art style for a downloadable title, and there’s way too much gameplay in here to be healthy. Multiplayer would have kicked it into the stratosphere, but it’s still solid as it is.
8. Scribblenauts (DS)
A perfect example of how hype can kill a game. Before the months of constantly-raising expectations, Scribblenauts was a magical little cult hit. Hopefully the series will continue with better controls and just a bit more variety in gameplay. READ MORE
One of Snackbar Games’ traditions every year is to have each staffer pick their top ten games of the year. We’re so all over the map in our tastes that our lists are never similar. Today, Paul Bishop gets straight to the point. Personally, we think it’s a bit lazy.
10. Modern Warfare 2 (Xbox 360)
The dark storytelling kind of turned me off from this title, but the gameplay is simply amazing.
9. Resident Evil 5 (Xbox 360)
Although the mechanics were a drastic turn for the series, this title is everything the hype made me think it would be.
8. Demon’s Souls (PS3)
Never has a game frustrated me more, but then again, never have I felt such accomplishment either. READ MORE
One of Snackbar Games’ traditions every year is to have each staffer pick their top ten games of the year. We’re so all over the map in our tastes that our lists are never similar. Today, Shawn Vermette makes us all gasp or something with his top pick.
10. Halo 3: ODST (X360)
Halo 3: ODST is not going to be the huge success or online presence that Halo 2 and 3 have been, but it had the best told story of the series and showed that Halo can indeed be played as more of a recon and stealth game than a action, run & gun, shooter. The style of action suited me and when I could play online with friends, it was a ton of fun also.
9. Prototype (X360)
Prototype is the type of game you play when you want to cause unequaled carnage and wanton death. It also happens to have what I felt was a fairly good story, great controls, and a good difficulty curve. With my newfound love of open world games, all of these added up to one great experience with Prototype. READ MORE