
One of Snackbar Games’ traditions every year is to have each staffer pick their top ten games of the year.  We’re so all over the map in our tastes that our lists are never similar.  We kick it off today with Justin Last.

10. Defense Grid: The Awakening (PC, XBLA)

Multiple tower types, three levels per tower, and excellent levels that encourage creative tower layout make this a TD game that I keep coming back to.

9. Fat Princess (PSN)

Take Team Fortress 2 and turn it into a medieval cartoon. Also replace the flag with a princess who gains weight really quickly when you force-feed her cake. It’s just as great as it sounds.

8. Shadow Complex (XBLA)

A modern love-letter to Super Metroid complete with missiles, health packs, and an x-ray visor analog. Challenge rooms are fun, but the story is lackluster, and the map layout makes no sense. Still fun enough that I have completed it three times.  READ MORE

Denmark-based developer Press Play recently gave us a look at a preview build of Max and the Magic Marker, an upcoming WiiWare platformer.  The concept is simple: Max traverses areas, collecting items and avoiding enemies with the help of a Magic Marker drawing shapes that Max can jump on or kill baddies with.

It comes off as a cross between Crayon Physics and LittleBigPlanet, and it’s quite charming. READ MORE

SB Asks: Gaming thanks

November 24, 2009

So it’s the time of year when people give thanks for things.  That got us thinking: as much as we criticize and scrutinize every move developers and publishers make, we don’t take much time to appreciate when they do things right.  So now’s the time: what have they done that you’re thankful for this year?  We want to know!

This week saw the release of the second full album for The Beatles: Rock Band. Although not as popular as Abbey Road, Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band is a nice addition to the game. And considering the price, it might not be worth it for some, but it definitely expands the game even more with a bigger focus on vocal harmonies than the previous release. READ MORE

To celebrate the release of one of the year’s biggest titles, I am going to give my copy of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (X360) to one lucky reader. The rules are simple, make a post or retweet the link to this post and you get an entry or 2 if you do both.

You have to reside in the US or Canada and be 18 or older to win.