Thats right folks, The SB Crew along with the XG Crew and the EB Crew, will be on local TV tonight!! Fox 29 in San Antonio is covering a story on Doom 3, by hitting all the HOT gaming spots in SA. Fox 29 stopped by EB Games Huebner to interview our very own Man U to get his take on the sales of Doom 3!! Soon after, stopping at the our favorite LAN center Xtreme Gaming Cyber Cafe, to interview none other than our esteemed Kron, to see the impact of Doom 3 has on the LAN Center. Kron graciously invited me to be interviewed by Fox 29, to give my take on how Doom 3 rules!! Needless to say the Trifecta Bomb has been dropped on San Antonio tonight by the tight knit family of SB, EB, and XG.