To kick off The Midweek Pretz rules Snackbar I will be giving away a Blue LED Fan for your PC, a copy of Medal of Honor Spearhead, and last but not least a copy of Sudeki. So let the games begin. This opportunity for me only comes once a millenium, so I thought I would take advantage of it and show much love for my peeps!!!
Rules are as follows. Today through Friday one prize will be given away. Today I will be giving away the LED fan, Thursday will be MOH, and Friday will be Sudeki. The first person to answer correctly to my questions will get the prizes. My first question to start the games is:
Who do I (Pretz) think is the hottest Gaming Chick of all time?
Hints: She is a real person. I have posted about her in the forums and on the front page of our site.
Good Luck!!