The PS3 is loose

November 17, 2006

After HUGE amounts of hype, disappointment, and waiting the PS3 is finally loose in the wild. I applaud those of you that camped out to score one of these machines, since I know that was rough. I drove by Target on my way to work this morning and there was a line of about 20 people 15 minutes before the doors opened. Seeing as we hit 32 degrees last night at my house, I hope they weren’t out there all night.

The things people will do for video games never ceases to amaze me.

In case you were wondering how things went nationwide, the PS3 launch spurred tons of tempers and cases of robbery. Here are just some of the things that went down last night:

[*][url=]Drive by BB Shooting[/url]
[*][url=]Lucky gamer scores $7500 PC to never own a PS3[/url]
[*][url=]Waiting in line for fun[/url]
[*][url=]Robbery and shooting[/url]

I’m sure the reports of robberies and violence will continue to flow in as these high priced items that carry a street value well above the $600 price tag find their way into people’s hands.