Scribblenauts has always been a fun little creative sandbox, and increasingly so in the sequels. More freedom can be more fun, if you don’t take things too seriously, and while at some point in the past it dashed beyond the point of there being any challenge at all, it’s really not the reason you play. READ MORE
Pid is like dating a beautiful person. It’s pleasing to the eyes, and on the surface it has a lot of things that would interest a person. However, after the honeymoon phase was over, I started to see past this beautiful person and really started to see its flaws. I learned how difficult it could be to have a relationship with them, and that maybe dating them wasn’t as rewarding and all it was cracked up to be. It doesn’t mean I don’t want to be friends, but I just don’t think we work as a couple. READ MORE
Mass Effect DLC is a little strange. Story-heavy games are sometimes hard to go back to, and that is absolutely epitomized by Mass Effect 3. The story ended. I finished it months ago. In order to play the DLC packs, I’ve had to load up a save from before the final act of the game, and it’s a bit strange. I know what’s going to happen, and I know that since the DLC packs can’t and won’t radically alter the ending, that unless a pack really dives into the lore (like Leviathan did), my efforts won’t have a real and lasting effect on the universe. READ MORE
Staring into a fireplace while various toys and items burn to ash seems like an unusual concept for a game. And it is. But it’s also strangely hypnotic, in large part thanks to the bizarre story lurking behind the otherwise-mindless pyromania. Besides, the guys behind both World of Goo and Henry Hatsworth are no strangers to making bizarre game concepts shine. READ MORE
Adventure games are great to play but hard to review. I can’t really talk about the gameplay, because there isn’t a whole lot of that present. You move with the mouse, pick up items by clicking on them, combine items in your inventory and let the story unfold, because that’s why you’re here.
I can’t tell you about the story, because it’s the only thing that adventure games really have, it’s the big reason that I play them and if I spoil the story for you then I’m doing both the game and you a disservice. That said, the narrative journey that Primordia takes you on is well worth experiencing. READ MORE