World of Warcraft has been a bit of a legend among MMOs. While not yet the longest-running game, it is certainly the game most people think of when they hear the term MMO. Mists of Pandaria is not going to bring back the multitudes of former players from six years ago — if someone simply dislikes the formula, Blizzard has elected not to change the core of the game to appeal to any new customers — at the risk of alienating the players it already has. WoW has declined in popularity in the past few years, down from 12 million players to 9, but 9 million players is still millions more than any other game has managed to achieve. READ MORE

Some considered the original Torchlight the “next” Diablo, with all of its similarities to the first game in that series. If so, many will still draw that same comparison between Torchlight II and Diablo II, as this comparison remains accurate. That isn’t to say Torchlight II doesn’t stand on its own, but knowing its fanbase, the game delivers just what people expect from it. READ MORE

Turn-based mechanics make combat more about strategy than reflex. This simple truth is why I prefer Final Fantasy X to XII and what makes Hero Academy and XCOM: Enemy Unknown so much fun. For those unfamiliar with the series, Worms is absolutely off-the-rails crazy. It’s a game about war-mongering annelids using teleports, bazookas, ninja ropes, dragon punches, and much more to straight-up murder every other invertebrate on the opposing team. READ MORE

It’s safe to say that one of the most popular games released for the Sega Saturn is Nights into Dreams, a whimsical 2D/3D hybrid that was unlike any game released before or since. When I think of what made Sega stand out among the rest, I think of games like Nights. While it may not be as impressive today, both technically or mechanically, as it was back in 1996, there is still a lot to like about this classic gem. READ MORE

Have you ever thought to yourself that war would be a lot more interesting if instead of tanks and people getting shot and blown up, it was soulless, mass-produced little girls who performed every order given to them? If you have, then you should probably seek help. Oh yeah, and then play War of the Human Tanks, cause it’s totally your type of game. READ MORE