I like hack-and-slash games that throw me right into the action. I’m also a sucker for a nice medieval setting with a touch of fantasy. Just from the looks of it and gameplay previews I’ve seen, it looked like R.A.W.: Realms of Ancient War would be another decent Diablo clone.
I was wrong. READ MORE

It’s a weird time in the industry for adventure games. There are still plenty of them released today, with most of them developed by smaller studios and released as PC exclusives. However, every now and again one slips through the cracks and finds its way to consoles. The Testament of Sherlock Holmes, the sixth game in Frogwares’ adventure franchise, is such a game. It sticks to a relatively well-worn formula, but one that will please most Sherlock Holmes fans or those just looking for a lengthy, puzzle-filled adventure. READ MORE

MMOs are too large in scope to be covered by our traditional review process. So here’s what we’re doing instead: giving you a “first draft” with thoughts from the initial days of a world, then circling back in a few weeks with a fleshed-out look at the final game and high-level experience. Read our earlier impressions here.
Guild Wars 2 continues to deliver the same experience as you move into higher level zones. There aren’t really many new types of events happening, but the new zones remain interesting. One of the most interesting additions to the game, which I failed to mention last time, are jumping puzzles. These are platforming sections that involve finding your way through an area using tricky jumps or navigating a maze. At the end, there is usually an achievement and a loot chest. This is one of the more rewarding experiences I’ve had while exploring zones in an MMO, while also becoming one of the most aggravating. READ MORE

Every so often, a game comes along that defies description and any expectations. Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit is such a game. Arkedo, a developer known for its gorgeous, difficult 2D games, is back with a title that is part 2D platformer, part twin-stick shooter and even part WarioWare. It’s a game that needs to be seen (and played) to be believed. READ MORE

FTL represents the end result of one of the first really successful Kickstarter campaigns. Its author asked the public for $10,000, and ended up earning ten times that amount. Designed to be a roguelike in space, FTL delivers on this promise and more. Gone are the randomly generated hallways, though the sense of the unknown remains. Also gone is the knowledge that you can take time and explore, as the enemy moves when you do; you can’t stop and poke around every system, as the enemy will eventually overwhelm and destroy you. READ MORE