Symphony is a Galaga-style shooter in which you’re stuck in a certain range of movement and enemies are flying in from the side of the screen, occasionally shooting at you. Throughout the course of a song, you collect “Inspiration,” which are the little music notes dropped by enemy ships. They serve as currency for in-game items, as well as repairing your ship during a song after it gets damaged. Each song, depending on its length, has a certain score range. The higher the difficulty, the higher the score quota but the bigger the reward. Initially, you’ll only have two difficulty levels available for play, but you’ll earn more completing tasks in-game. READ MORE

I’m a busy guy. Holding down a full-time job and helping to raise four kids doesn’t leave me with as much time for gaming as I used to have. I manage to squeeze it in, often at the expense of sleep, but working off-shifts and weekends means that multiplayer is often difficult for me to schedule, and that makes me sad because multiplayer is where games live forever, and I really feel like I’m getting a good return on my investment. READ MORE

If vampires tend to feel a bit overused recently, it’s generally because they are.  Thanks to certain major motion pictures, books and video games, they have become a popular topic for fiction.  While overusing a theme is nothing new for the industry, in the case of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim‘s Dawnguard expansion, it fits the setting. Namely, it’s an aspect of Skyrim that wasn’t covered too much in the main game, save for a few side quests or nameless enemies suffering from vampirism. it isn’t covered in much depth aside from the fact that they exist. READ MORE

Point-and-click adventure games are enjoying a rennaissance lately, led by Telltale’s episodic series (like The Walking Dead). But we’ve seen some wonderful games released in the genre from other studios lately, like The Book of Unwritten Tales and Resonance. Daedalic Entertainment’s Deponia makes another great case that the genre should be getting more well-deserved attention. READ MORE

Dr. X is the world’s most brilliant scientist, having revolutionized everything with his inventions. And we mean everything. Robo-dogs, teleporters, moving sidewalks, you name it. Of course, with a name like Dr. X, you know he’s going to be insane. As his name requires, he eventually invented a giant killing machine, which got him fired from MegaTech. So he invents one more thing to take revenge. You. READ MORE