Death Rally is one of a recent rash of reboots of classic games. It’s more in the vein of Choplifter HD than Pac-Man: Championship Edition DX, in that instead of twisting and iterating this new installment, it’s mostly the same game you (should) remember from 1996 with a fresh coat of paint. READ MORE

The original Orcs Must Die! is a great little game. It is simple enough that you can plan to play for 30 minutes before bed and then look up at the end of Act 1 and realize you have to be up for work in only three hours. Orcs Must Die! 2 captures the very same feeling, and improves on everything that the first entry did. READ MORE

It is difficult to write about point-and-click adventure games. They are the closest thing the gaming industry has to novels, and I’m no good at reviewing those either. You all already know how the mechanics of an adventure games work, and I’m not willing to tell you about the story because that’s the big draw and ruining that does both the game and the potential player a disservice.

What I can tell you is that The Book of Unwritten Tales does something that few other games are able to: it makes me laugh. READ MORE

When Civilization V released in 2010, it was one of my most anticipated releases, and with good reason. It brought a lot of sweeping changes to the formula we knew and loved, and I really feel they made it feel like a whole new game, and not just another iteration of the same formula. Gods and Kings offers a return to the religion system which was so popular in Civ IV, though adjusted to fit the gameplay style of V, along with a host of changes and all the new content you might expect from an expansion pack. READ MORE

In Fortune Winds: Ancient Trader, Legendo tries to take the exploration and adventure of seafaring games and distill it into small concentrated doses. The team did a fairly good job, but probably distilled it a bit too much.

The goal of Fortune Winds is to explore the seas, trading goods at various ports of call, upgrading your ship and finding three artifacts that are required to take on and kill the Kraken. You theoretically have an unlimited time period to do this in, but your rivals will be trying to do the same thing, so you can’t take too long.