I still can’t decide if I like episodic games or not. Left to my own devices, I’d prefer to wait for the product to be completely finished and play the whole thing in one shot instead of deal with the possibility that episode one might be the only one that gets made (hi, SiN Episodes!). Fortunately, Telltale has a winner on its hands with The Walking Dead, and the whole thing is already financed.

Regardless, everything that Andrew loved about A New Day continues to make for a great game in Starved for Help. READ MORE

The year is 2098. Three mega-corporations control the world and battle each other for supremacy. The general populace huddles in virtual worlds to escape reality, while employees of the companies use that same virtual technology to battle each other in four man tactical warfare. Sound intriguing? Well, forget all of that, because none of it matters. READ MORE

As a kid, I loved trading card games such as Konami’s Yu-Gi-Oh! or Nintendo’s Pokémon, playing matches with other kids at school, trading on the playground and arguing over the best cards and strategies. One game that I never got into was Magic: The Gathering, a trading card game targeted toward an older audience, sporting high-fantasy card art designs and more mature themes. I went into Duels of the Planeswalkers 2013 as an absolute newcomer, knowing absolutely nothing about its rules, cards or workings. In the end, I am glad I did, as it allowed me answer two questions: does it serve as an adequate introduction to the trading card game for new players, and is the game good enough to stand on its own without relying on its source material?


It is every designer’s dream to create a breakout hit, and Kim Swift did exactly that with Portal. Then, in a move that shocked everybody, she left Valve to make games with friends and ex-FASA (Crimson Alliance, Shadowrun) employees. From that odd move, Quantum Conundrum was born, and it’s really difficult not to compare it to Swift’s first retail game since the two are so very similar. READ MORE

I like dungeon crawlers quite a bit. Torchlight was one of my favorite games of 2009, and as soon as I get my new PC assembled I’ll be rolling my pennies for Diablo III. I also like controlling multiple characters, and RPGs tend to satisfy that need. Krater combines these two concepts and is a lot of fun all the while. You’ve accepted quests, found new weapons, and leveled characters before. And you’ll keep doing it here because it’s still satisfying to earn another skill or find a new and better weapon. READ MORE