Resonance is a point-and-click adventure game. If you know from the get-go that the genre isn’t for you, then nothing presented here is going to change that. You’ll spend your time collecting inventory items, paying attention to dialogue and trying to figure out how the items in your inventory go together just so to solve the puzzle that’s stumping you. If you are a fan of the genre, though, then there’s a lot for you here. Resonance is one of the best modern adventure games I’ve ever played. READ MORE
I like Gratuitous Space Battles a lot, so I was surprised to find that Gratuitous Tank Battles didn’t really live up to my expectations. I was expecting the same sorts of mechanics and progression with ground units instead of spaceships, and if that’s what I’d gotten I would have been perfectly happy. There is a lot of similarity between the two titles, but where Gratuitous Space Battles is all sandbox and building blocks, Gratuitous Tank Battles changes things up and turns the whole thing into a tower defense game that never feels quite right. READ MORE
I have 35 hours played on my way to level 50 in Diablo 3, and have only 10 more levels until I hit the cap. I need to farm more before I can beat Diablo on Nightmare, the second of four difficulty levels. The only way to get ahead now is to grind for a long time, or to purchase an item I can’t afford on the auction house. I have bid on a lot of rare weapons that are not the most optimal for a Witch Doctor, but would give me a much-needed boost in damage. I can’t afford to buy any of them outright, but there are so many that it is likely I’ll get one of the half-dozen I’ve bid on. READ MORE
I like Ticket to Ride. It’s one of the first European board games that I ever played, and it turned me on to the hobby to the point that I own several myself and regularly have friends over for dinner and board games. (Last night was Dominion and Pandemic).
Ticket to Ride is successful, I think, because it’s easy to learn, the pieces are neat, and it’s quick to play. READ MORE
Turn-based strategy games tend to be a bit intimidating, with their grids and deep stat systems, and they’re inevitably themed with JRPG tropes or tired old war settings. The Game Bakers’ Squids, originally an iOS title but now ported to PC, has none of those things, and fills the void with marine life and slingshot physics. READ MORE