We’ve already reviewed Tropico 4 for you: if you like city-building games, you’ll enjoy it. This time around, Tropico leaves the Cold War behind and enters the modern era. While the new campaign doesn’t do much, the sandbox mode makes it a worthwhile purchase. READ MORE
From the company that brought you Blood Bowl and garnered a couple of positive reviews in the process, one would figure that the company’s next game would try ride the wave of that success. Focus Home Interactive’s Confrontation, originally a tabletop warfare game, sounds like the type of game that would work very well translated to video game form. Unfortunately, it doesn’t quite meet those expectations. READ MORE
Avernum has a pretty long history among PC RPG fans, having been remade twice thus far since its initial release as Exile: Escape from the Pit in 1995. Generally, these releases have been timed well, and allow a new player to enter into the series without dealing with dated graphics or awkward installation procedures on account of compatibility issues. This current version came about as the first Avernum has a few glitches when running on Windows 7 64-bit, for example. READ MORE
Adventure games figured out a gameplay formula that worked and pretty much stuck with it. As gamers became accustomed to faster and more engaging games, many from genres that repurposed adventure game attributes for their own means, the genre failed to adapt and instead died. Well, not entirely. Some came out once in a while, then Telltale started to make the genre popular again, and now with indie titles and Double Fine’s Kickstarter experiment, they’re finally entering the mainstream once more. So it’s more like adventure games were in a coma. READ MORE
The tower defense genre is a difficult one to enter. If you change it up too much, you’re not really creating tower defense, and if you leave it the same, people will decry it for being just like the tower defense games they’ve already paid for and played. Defenders of Ardania, however, manages to still feel like tower defense, even if the combination of all of the added elements means that none can really take center stage. READ MORE