Pid is like dating a beautiful person. It’s pleasing to the eyes, and on the surface it has a lot of things that would interest a person. However, after the honeymoon phase was over, I started to see past this beautiful person and really started to see its flaws. I learned how difficult it could be to have a relationship with them, and that maybe dating them wasn’t as rewarding and all it was cracked up to be. It doesn’t mean I don’t want to be friends, but I just don’t think we work as a couple. READ MORE
While games derivative of Nintendo’s unfathomably-successful Super Smash Bros. are nothing new (though largely Japan-exclusive; shoutouts to Dream Mix TV World Fighters and Battle Stadium D.O.N.), PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale is the first time a major developer has stepped up to the plate in an attempt to deliver some serious Street Fighter II/Fatal Fury-level competition to the legendary party brawler. READ MORE
There’s a lot to love about Ratchet & Clank games: they’re light-hearted, they’re challenging, they gracefully merged platformer gameplay with RPG leveling mechanics and, most importantly, the developers aren’t afraid to try new things. If it weren’t for this desire to iterate and improve, we wouldn’t have weapons that level up, time-bending puzzles, giant Clank segments or the off-the-wall weapon variety that the series is known for. READ MORE
Mass Effect DLC is a little strange. Story-heavy games are sometimes hard to go back to, and that is absolutely epitomized by Mass Effect 3. The story ended. I finished it months ago. In order to play the DLC packs, I’ve had to load up a save from before the final act of the game, and it’s a bit strange. I know what’s going to happen, and I know that since the DLC packs can’t and won’t radically alter the ending, that unless a pack really dives into the lore (like Leviathan did), my efforts won’t have a real and lasting effect on the universe. READ MORE
Borderlands 2 is the probably my most played game of 2012. Why? The shooting is good, the setting is fun, the characters and their special abilities are all distinct and fun while being useful in their own right (Maya is the exception here as I feel she suffers when running solo), and the side characters are just juvenile enough to make me laugh out loud while playing cooperatively both with my wife in the same room and my best friend in California. READ MORE