The 1980 classic arcade game Warlords has been updated several times over the years. Released initially in cabinet and table arcade formats, this game is designed to be played by up to four people. You play as a warlord who must successfully defend their castle from dragon fireballs, enemy Snoots and the random Black Knight attack. Luckily, you have your own Snoots who repair walls, capture bonus nodes and attack other castles as you command. READ MORE
It wasn’t looking good for my Pomeranian. The toxicity in the air was growing. A desperate female had come to follow me as she gleefully followed me back to my nest. Unfortunately, because she was desperate, she had brought more than her love for me along. She had given me fleas too. As if it couldn’t get any worse, I was starting to lose my health due to no food being in the area, and I was getting old.
Welcome to the jungle. READ MORE
Borderlands 2 is a great game, and its structure lends itself to DLC extremely well. The original game saw four pieces of downloadable content, and while Gearbox only got to a 50-50 track record there, it should surprise nobody that DLC was a part of the Borderlands 2 plan before the game even hit store shelves (as it was possible to preorder the DLC season pass along with the base game).
After the Mechromancer character, Captain Scarlett and her Pirate’s Booty is the first bit of DLC available. Instead of a new character to play as, Scarlett is a full-fledged side adventure. Any character level 15 or higher can fast travel to Oasis and start looking for the fabled lost treasure. READ MORE
Every now and again, we come across certain games that offer players a large toolset, allowing them to progress through situations as they see fit. These games are few and far between, but allow those who wish to experiment and try new things to do so. Dishonored is the kind of game that is as much about the end goal as it is how you reach that goal, offering plenty of opportunities to go about it however the player chooses. As a result, it is an experience as rewarding as it is unpredictable. READ MORE
Brian Provinciano’s Retro City Rampage was in development long enough that it could make a retro-inspired reference to itself. The wait’s likely been most excruciating to Provinciano himself, but thankfully it’s now over and we can give the game a try for ourselves. It’s certainly as packed with references to ’80s culture as we expected, but references are the sugar-coated candy of game experiences. Does the game have a more lasting enjoyment buried underneath the super-sweet exterior? READ MORE