Most everything can be improved by editing. This review, almost assuredly, did not get published in the same state I submitted it, and we’re all better off for it. I sound smarter, and you’re reading a better review. SSX, similarly, would benefit from a good dose of editing. There is a great game hiding underneath all of the fluff, but that fluff gets in the way and the modes are set up to make it mandatory. READ MORE

Last year, The Show proved once again that it was the best-available baseball game, but as with all sports games, the question must be asked once again: is there a good reason to get the new one? While not a huge leap forward, the adjustments made this year, coupled with the format and team changes in MLB, do make this a worthwhile baseball game. READ MORE

Just chill out and shoot a bunch of stuff. If you’re looking for more from Demiurge Studios’ new downloadable title, Shoot Many Robots, you may be disappointed, since the game’s built around partying out with friends and having a bit of fun tailoring your character along the way. The gaming equivalent of Chex Mix, it serves up the semblance of variety within strict parameters, has salty flavor with little depth and generally works out if you just throw it in front of your buddies and let ’em snack on it a while. READ MORE

As usual, last year’s entry in this long-running baseball series was a disappointment, especially when compared to the PS3-exclusive The Show. With their exclusivity deal ending this year, can Take Two finally give people a compelling game?


With fighting games riding the current wave of popularity, a dream match game seemed inevitable. In that respect, Street Fighter X Tekken seems like a no-brainer. Two top-selling franchises squaring off together is the stuff fan fiction is made for, right? But the series play completely differently, so how did the minds at Capcom reconcile the two? READ MORE