It’s hard to believe that one of the most influential Street Fighter games was released twelve years ago back in 1999. With a fighting game like Third Strike, it’s really hard to tell that even that much time has past. Almost a decade ago, this game was one of the best fighters available out there. Introducing a parrying system that was simple, yet challenging, and EX Moves that brought a whole new dimension to how you attack, this game set the bar for how several fighting games that succeeded it would play.
So has Third Strike lost its touch in the last twelve years? Not at all. READ MORE

BloodRayne: Betrayal is Majesco’s attempt to bring back the forgotten BloodRayne franchise is an unexpected way. The series was never exactly beloved, so giving well-respected developer WayForward a chance to bring it back was a smart move. While some people may not be interested due to the series’ checkered past, don’t let this one slip past your radar. READ MORE

Making its arcade debut in 1983, Taito’s Elevator Action found several releases and graphical upgrades on both the Game Boy Color and Advance, as well as on Sega Saturn. The game found new life in its recent release on the Playstation Network by Square Enix: Elevator Action Deluxe.
You’re a spy sent to retrieve documents from a building. However, this task won’t be easy. These buildings seem to have a love for an excessive amount of elevators and escalators, which makes your life even harder since the enemies want to stop you from leaving with their documents. Make it out alive, and earn money for your efforts. READ MORE

Disgaea, we love you, but you’re bringing us down. It’s not that you’re bad. (Far from it, actually.) We see these enhancements you’re making, and they’re not detrimental to your core product. That’s good. We’re with you there. We’re just not sure where exactly you’re taking the series. READ MORE

One of the defining factors of the Call of Juarez series has been its placement in the Old West, as you blast bad guys and root for the McCall clan. Can the series benefit by updating the game to modern day California and Mexico? It all comes down to cooperative play. READ MORE