
Little King’s Story, released on the Wii in 2009, was an addictive combination: Pikmin-style action-strategy with party progression and customization. Crafted by the storytellers at now-defunct developer Cing, it gave the Wii a compelling third-party exclusive and gave players a deep, lighthearted experience. READ MORE

The original LittleBigPlanet was a marvel and a breakthrough. Hitting just as the world was ready for it, it provided the PS3 with three elements it desperately needed: a family-friendly flagship series, an excited, engaged creative community and a fun multiplayer game both online and locally. The second game was a logical next step, rounding off a few rough edges and really opening up the level creation possibilities. Along the way, it got a PSP version, which was generally scaled back to the point that no one could get too excited about.

Don’t worry, though. The Vita’s new LittleBigPlanet follows LBP2‘s formula most closely, letting the new creative possibilities drive the experience and hoping the rest falls into place. READ MORE

I’ve gushed about how much I love video pinball before. I’m also a huge fan of tower defense, and while Plants vs Zombies isn’t strictly tower defense, it’s certainly related, and I’ve racked up a ton of hours across the Steam and XBLA versions of the game. Pinball FX 2’s (and Zen Pinball 2‘s) Plants vs. Zombies table continues the recent trend of creating tables that would not be possible on a physical machine, and just like the Marvel tables, PvZ is more interesting for it. READ MORE

The released version of Sound Shapes is a long way from the game we previewed last summer. The small and simple (but charming) launch-bound title was given about sixteen different coats of paint, some heavy-hitter music talent and a few more months to bring it all together. Oh, and Queasy Games also managed a PS3 version, with both versions available to anyone who purchases it.

These developments turn what would have been a great little game into a better, bigger game.  READ MORE

Madden NFL 13‘s Vita iteration is the best portable football game ever made. Those familiar with previous releases know how low that bar has been; while other sports have had interesting twists to make up for the low power of a handheld, football has always been a painfully-shoehorned downgrade of the console formula. With the Vita, that approach finally works, as the system can handle it. Mostly. READ MORE